Tagged: abs workout
An Easy Way for Lower Abs Workout
| August 8, 2010 | 4:27 am | lower abs workout | No comments

When you are at the beach, swimming pool or whenever you are working your tan, do you feel like everyone seems to be looking at your unsightly, flabby abdomen? Where a trim and fit tummy used to be, now rests a very chunky and a very blobby midsection.

Maybe it’s time to start getting in shape and start having that trimmed six pack abs that you had before. So you try all the workouts you can find online – lower abs workout, upper abs, and side abs crunching. Although a lower abs workout might do your lower abs some strengthening they need, these area specific exercises are not really the answer to get that flat and tight stomach you want. So chuck that lower abs workout routine and say hello to a program that will change your midsection’s appearance dramatically.

Certified food nutritionist and certified personal trainer Mike Geary created a program that will target specifically that unwanted and stubborn stomach fat that you want to get rid of. The secret of the program lies on the years of experience that Mike has placed into this program to perfect it in making you have a shapelier body. This will definitely trump any lower abs workout routine that you and find online.

His program is called The Truth about Six Pack Abs. It is uniquely designed to give you that six pack abs that you want in the most efficient way as possible. It will gear you towards the right path in having a toned abdomen while it strips away some of the wrong notions that you might have in losing weight and abs sculpting.

The program join forces two known ways of losing stomach fat. First it will give you a set of total body workouts and specific exercises that will make your lose fat not only in your midsection but also all over your body. The exercises are all very easy to follow and the e-book will be giving you step by step instructions to perform them as well as illustrations to further guide you. No special equipment is necessary. All you need is a set of adjustable dumbbells and a stability ball and you will be on your way to a flatter tummy without having to leave the comforts of your own house.

Second, it will teach you the proper ways of having a balanced diet. This is no fad diet that will make you lose weight dramatically in a matter of days. In fact, losing too much weight too fast is not a healthy deal at all. This program will give you apt knowledge on nutrition and balanced meals so you get to eat healthy and at the same time feel satisfied. It will also give you the ugly truth about those diet supplements and slimming shakes that corporations use to get richer and richer by the second.

If you really are serious about losing that fat on your belly, then do not tie yourself down with some boring lower abs workout routines that will manly strengthen your lower abdominal muscles at best.

6 Secrets for a Great Lower Abs Workout
| August 8, 2010 | 4:25 am | lower abs workout | No comments

Engaging in a lower abs workout is a great way to strengthen and tone your abdominal muscles. There are many simple exercises that can be incorporated into lower abs workouts, many of which do not even require gym equipment. When performing any type of workout it is important to use caution to ensure that you do not pull or strain any muscles and that you do not perform too many repetitions at one time. Doing so can harm your body so be sure to take the proper precautions before and during all of your exercise sessions. Each type of workout comes along with its own set of guidelines and the following list provides some great tips to keep in mind when performing lower abs workouts.

1. You Should Feel Your Abs

Working when performing lower abs workouts, you should be able to feel your abdominal muscles working more than any other set of muscles. If you do not feel your abs working, you should stop and rest because this may be a sign that your abdominal muscles have become fatigued.

2. You Should Never Feel Pain

While you should feel the crunch in your abdominal muscles as you perform lower abs workouts, you should not feel pain in your lower back. If you feel pain it may mean that your abs are not strong enough to perform the exercise or that you are not doing it correctly. If you begin to feel pain, stop the exercise and determine which the case is.

3. Perform Exercises Slowly

As with any type of workout, it is important to perform lower abs exercises slowly and in a controlled manner so that you do not harm yourself. By moving too quickly you may increase your momentum and decrease your muscular control, thus resulting in jerky movements which could result in a pulled or strained muscle.

4. Strive for Quality over Quantity

The key to successful a lower abs workout does not lie in how many repetitions you can perform, but in the quality of those repetitions. You must strive to be sure that you are putting the correct muscles to work while preventing unwanted muscles from helping you to cheat, thus decreasing the effectiveness of the exercises.

5. Endurance is More Important than Strength

Abdominal muscles are designed to remain active for long periods of time at low intensities, so you should train them in the same way. Strive for endurance, working on being able to perform more quality repetitions, than focusing on more difficult exercises.

6. Do Not Forget to Breath

As you perform any type of exercise it is important that you remember to breathe. During some exercises which involve contracting your abs you may be tempted to hold your breath but you should try to take deeper breaths as you perform each exercise. Try to inhale as your muscles are stretching and exhale as they are tightening.

3 Most Effective Lower Abs Workout
| August 8, 2010 | 4:19 am | lower abs workout | No comments

There are many different reasons that people begin using lower abs workouts. Some people simple incorporate them into a comprehensive workout plan while others simply target their abs in the hopes of achieving a flat stomach. Before you start practicing this type of workout, no matter what reasons you may have, there are a few things you should know. If your goal is to lose fat in your abdominal area, know that lower abs workouts alone cannot achieve this goal. In order to lose fat around your belly you need to start a diet and exercise plan that will result in fat loss all over your body  abs workouts simple help you to strengthen your abs muscles and, once you get rid of any belly fat, you will have a fantastically flat stomach. There are three easy exercises that should be included in any lower abs workout: leg walks, reverse crunches, and leg lifts.

1. Leg Walks

Begin this exercise by laying flat on your back with your hands placed under your buttocks. Then, lift your legs until they are vertical while contracting your abs so that your midsection becomes tense. Lower one leg until your foot is just a few inches off the ground, hold it there for one second, and then return it to the vertical position. Repeat these steps with your other leg and continue alternating legs for as many repetitions as you feel capable of doing.

2. Reverse Crunches

To perform reverse crunches, start out in the same position as the previous exercise, flat on your back with your hands positioned under your buttocks. Next, lift your legs until they are vertical then bend your knees at a 90 degree angle while contracting your abs to tense your midsection. Keep your knees bent as you slowly lower them until your feet are a few inches off the ground. Finally, bring your knees up to your chest, squeezing your abs in the process.

3. Leg Lifts

For this exercise you must also lay on your back with your hands placed firmly under your buttocks then lift your legs to the vertical position. Next, contract your midsection using your upper abs and then lower both legs at once until the backs of your feet are just above the ground. Hold this position for a few seconds, return your legs to the vertical position, and then repeat.

By utilizing these three exercises, your lower abs workout can be successful in helping you to lose belly fat and strengthen your abdominal muscles. As is true of any exercise regimen, be sure to stay hydrated and consult your doctor before making any radical changes in your diet or beginning any intense exercise plans.

Abs Workout for your Lower Abs
| August 6, 2010 | 7:20 am | abs work out | No comments

When you are at the beach, swimming pool or whenever you are working your tan, do you feel like everyone seems to be looking at your unsightly, flabby abdomen? Where a trim and fit tummy used to be, now rests a very chunky and a very blobby midsection.

Maybe it’s time to start getting in shape and start having that trimmed six pack abs that you had before. So you try all the workouts you can find online – lower abs workout, upper abs, and side abs crunching. Although a lower abs workout might do your lower abs some strengthening they need, these area specific exercises are not really the answer to get that flat and tight stomach you want. So chuck that lower abs workout routine and say hello to a program that will change your midsection’s appearance dramatically.

Certified food nutritionist and certified personal trainer Mike Geary created a program that will target specifically that unwanted and stubborn stomach fat that you want to get rid of. The secret of the program lies on the years of experience that Mike has placed into this program to perfect it in making you have a shapelier body. This will definitely trump any lower abs workout routine that you and find online.

His program is called The Truth about Six Pack Abs. It is uniquely designed to give you that six pack abs that you want in the most efficient way as possible. It will gear you towards the right path in having a toned abdomen while it strips away some of the wrong notions that you might have in losing weight and abs sculpting.

The program join forces two known ways of losing stomach fat. First it will give you a set of total body workouts and specific exercises that will make your lose fat not only in your midsection but also all over your body. The exercises are all very easy to follow and the e-book will be giving you step by step instructions to perform them as well as illustrations to further guide you. No special equipment is necessary. All you need is a set of adjustable dumbbells and a stability ball and you will be on your way to a flatter tummy without having to leave the comforts of your own house.

Second, it will teach you the proper ways of having a balanced diet. This is no fad diet that will make you lose weight dramatically in a matter of days. In fact, losing too much weight too fast is not a healthy deal at all. This program will give you apt knowledge on nutrition and balanced meals so you get to eat healthy and at the same time feel satisfied. It will also give you the ugly truth about those diet supplements and slimming shakes that corporations use to get richer and richer by the second.

If you really are serious about losing that fat on your belly, then do not tie yourself down with some boring lower abs workout routines that will manly strengthen your lower abdominal muscles at best.

Abs Workout in Just Four Minutes
| August 6, 2010 | 7:08 am | abs work out | No comments

Abs Workout in just Four Minutes

Abs, abs, abs. everybody wants a nice set of six pack abs. Or if you’re not after the six-pack abs, you at least want a nice firm and toned stomach. Something that looks good with your shirt off or in a bikini.

But how do you get it? Do you need to follow some weird diet? Do you need to take a magic fat burning supplement? Do you need to buy the latest abs gadget off a television infomercial?

No, you don’t need to follow a weird diet, you don’t need to buy a fat burning supplement (that doesn’t work anyway) and you especially don’t need to buy the latest abs gadget off an infomercial.

Nutritionally speaking, you just need to make some minor tweaks and changes in order to get your body to start burning more of your stubborn stomach fat. Start by eating more fiber. Stick with lots of fruits and vegetables and keep the grains to a minimum.

You also need to make sure you get enough protein and fat. Yes I said fat. Your body needs a certain amount of fat in order to function properly and there have been studies that show that people who consume more foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon and other cold water fish, and nuts, like almonds, lose more stomach fat than those who didn’t.

So stock up on your Omega-3 rich foods and get more protein. When it comes to exercise, you don’t need to live in the gym. Nor do you need to do nothing but cardio. Quite the opposite, actually. You need to stick to more resistance training and interval training if you really want to lose stomach fat and get a firm, toned stomach or six-pack abs.

Your workouts should consist of lots of movements that work your entire body, and shouldn’t be split into “parts”. Meaning stick with exercises like push-ups, squats, lunges, planks, mountain climbers, dumbbell swings, etc. and stay away from movements that don’t work much muscle and don’t burn too many calories like bicep curls and triceps kickbacks or those silly leg machines that move like the old “Thigh Master” home workout gadgets.

Your workouts should also take less than 30 minutes. By sticking to that timeframe, you’ll ensure you keep the intensity level up, meaning you’ll burn a lot of fat in as short a period as possible.

When it comes to abs specific workouts, you don’t need to spend lots and lots of time devoted to crunches, sit-ups, leg lifts, etc. In fact, you can get an awesome abs workout done from the comfort of your own home in as little as 4 minutes.

3 Abs Workout for Fast Result
| August 6, 2010 | 7:05 am | abs work out | No comments

The word “abs” is short for abdominals—possibly the most popular muscle group in the body. To most people, tight, well-defined abs is the most common indicator of a successful bodybuilding workout. To bodybuilders, particularly, six-packs are a common goal. This is why beginners often begin their research on fitness workouts with abs workouts, often zeroing in on exercises for fast abs. The beginner will find (will most probably know from the start) that sit ups and crunches and their many variations are the most popular, and while these good old exercises can do the trick, incorporating other exercises into one’s abs workouts and cycling them correctly will fast-track one’s abdominal muscle-building progress. Aside from helping to avoid plateaus in muscle building caused by overtraining a muscle group, cycling your exercises and/or incorporating new ones into your daily workout schedules will help you avoid injuries.

Here are three fast abs exercises that you can include in your abs workouts: the butt-ups, hanging knee-raise, and the exercise ball pull-in.


Assume a push-up position, with your forearms flat on the ground and your elbows bent at a 90-degree angle. Arching your back slightly out, lift your gluts up, squeezing your abs tightly as you go for a high bridge position. Keeping your back arched, slowly lower back down to your starting position. And repeat.

*Hanging Knee Raise–Grab a bar and hang from it with your legs straight down. Taking care not to swing, slowly raise your legs using your abs as you flex your hips and knees. Continue this movement by flexing your waist until your knees is on a level with your shoulders.

Lower your knees down to starting position.


*Exercise Ball Pull-In–Assume a push-up position, with your lower shins on top of the exercise ball.

Roll the ball towards your chest by pulling in your knees, all the while keeping your back straight.

Finally, roll the ball back to starting position by straightening your legs, squeezing your abs in the process.

As a beginner, whether you’re looking for exercises to lose weight or simply looking to make fitness workouts a part of your lifestyle, you can very easily feel like you’re swimming in a sea of information on workout exercises and routines. Here’s my two-cent’ worth: No matter what kind of workout routine you finally choose or create, in the end, it’s your ability to stick to your fitness goals that will make all the difference. Seeing results gained from informed, well-planned abs workouts is the biggest motivation, but while you’re not yet there, workout buddies and printable weight loss charts chronicling your progress (or lack thereof) are great sources of motivation to keep sweating it out so you can get your dream abs, fast.

Workouts for Your Abs
| August 5, 2010 | 8:37 am | workouts for abs | No comments

Workouts for abs come in many routines and each method can be modified to match your abilities and desired goals. Below, we review several of the top picks for the aerobic side of the ‘6-pack abs’ equation. Aerobic workouts for your core and abs focus on reducing body-fat so that the muscle definition of your midsection is easily visible.

An added benefit of some of these cardio choices is that they involve functional movements that involve muscles in every layer of the core. This dynamic stimulation of the abs, core and lower to mid back areas help give you the defined and tightened look

There are several effective workouts you can do that don’t require you to go to a fitness center.

Jumping rope is an efficient way to burn body fat, improve cardiovascular fitness and tighten your midsection to reveal the definition of your abs. Even when you travel – you can fit a rope in your bag – and you can do it indoors or outside.

Total-body rowing is another ‘high stimulus’ aerobic workout that can either be done in the outdoors if you live near water. Or, if it’s your only option, you can also get great results from a high quality rowing machine – such as The Concept 2 Rower.

Cardio Kickboxing is a high intensity, stress relieving way to break a serious, fat-burning sweat and get out all your frustrations (if you have any). With a training partner or a heavy bag, you can kick, punch and pound your way to a fiery metabolism and a tightly toned abdominal area.

Simulated Rock-wall climbing is a demanding, but fun, activity that stimulates cardio-conditioning as well as core strength enhancement. If you have the opportunity to go rock-wall climbing it’s definitely worth a try. There are even indoor climbing gyms that are opening up every month – as this is starting to become a craze of sorts. The only risk as that you may get addicted to it – as it can be pretty fun.

By combining these metabolism boosting, fat burning workouts for abs with tight meals and targeted core exercises, you will get the 6-pack look in time. Aerobic conditioning is a key element when you want to improve your body composition. You must include it to reveal the definition of your muscles and to unleash the midsection you know you are capable of unleashing.

Workouts for Abs for Newbie’s
| August 5, 2010 | 8:34 am | workouts for abs | No comments

If you’re a newbie to workouts for abs, you have to be careful, take it easy. Starting out too strong can result in you feeling discouraged or even hurt – muscle-bound. So don’t jump to difficult workouts for abs. First try to discover your limits – see what’s right for you. Explore how many repetitions you can handle and don’t force yourself. As your workout will become more and more advanced, you will be able to do more and more abdomen exercises.

The rule of thumb for anyone who wants to start working out is Warm up! I cannot stress enough the importance of getting your muscles gradually ready for the following effort. Warmed up and stretched muscles will perform better and with no or less pain. Plus, starting your training session with a warm-up will help you sustain your regular workouts in the long run.

Start your routine with something light but useful. Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet on the ground. Keep your upper bodies facing the ceiling, as you lower your knees on one side? This may feel a bit tight at first – which is good, since it’s a stretching exercise. Then return your knees to the initial position and lower them on the other side. This will get the abs ready for the exercises to follow.

Like all good abs routines do, your routine must include crunches. Just don’t jump to Rocky-like crunches just yet. The regular crunch requires you to lie on the floor, with your knees bet and your feet off the floor, in a balanced position. As a beginner, you should keep your hands along the body, horizontally. This way, you will get some extra help when you lift your head and shoulder blades off the floor. If you feel strong, also bring the knees in, as you lift your upper body from the floor. If you don’t feel up for it, just keep your knees and legs in balance and let the upper body do the movements.

A reversed version of the previous exercise is a great challenge for your lower abs. As you lie on your back, with knees bent and your feet on the floor, lift your feet off the floor and bring your knees in. Then slowly lower them back. When you return to the relaxed position, don’t get too comfortable – just touch the ground and then do another reversed crunch.

Sit ups are also great for your abs plus, they are versatile enough that you can adapt them to you level and workout target. The classical sit up requires you to lie on your back, with your knees bent and feet on the floor, and to lift up your head and shoulders off the ground. If you’re up for it, keep your hands behind your head. If you’re not ready for this just yet, keep them along your body. If you want to do diversify, every time you sit up touch your right knee with your left hand and the other way around.

Crunches are Great Workout for Abs
| August 5, 2010 | 8:31 am | workouts for abs | No comments

Getting your abs sculpted and fat-free takes more than just discipline with your food intake. Aside from cutting down on desserts, carbohydrate-rich food, soda and alcohol, you need to be overly hardworking in doing your abs routines. Yes, by overly hardworking, it means doubling your efforts and increasing the intensity of specific exercises that targets the muscles in your abdomen.

To deliver you the maximum results you aspire for, you can try executing the 3 types of abs crunches: your way to a nicer abs.

1. Standard Abs Crunch. You can vary your execution of this routine. Your choices are hanging leg raise, incline bench leg lift and lying floor leg raise. This is the very standard crunch most men and women can easily do on the floor covered with an exercise mat. After lying flat on the floor, bend your legs with your feet’s soles steady on the floor. Place your arms across your chest touching each other. Slowly bend your waist and lift your shoulders up so that you can sense the crunching sensation in your abdomen. Once you have raised your upper body, you can lower it back down. Repeating this routine for 5 sets of 16 counts is more effective than just doing one set. If possible, target 200 counts per session to get quicker results.

2. Twisting Crunch. To contract more muscles in your abdomen, you can do this crunch. Lie on the floor with your knees and hips inclined. Place both hands beneath your head and squeeze your waist upward approaching your knees. Your right or left elbow must at least touch the knees before bring your upper body down. Repeat the exercise but with twists alternately with your left and right elbow. You can also bring your upper body toward the side as you lift it. In lieu of the floor crunch, you can also do side crunches or make use of abdominal twist equipment or weighted twist ups. Choose which is most convenient to you. For beginners, you can do 16 repetitions but for a more intense burning effect, you can do 5 sets of 16.

3. Supine Leg Lift Crunch. This doesn’t just target the abs but legs and hips as well. Lie down flatly on a bench and stretch your legs and grab the edge above your head for assistance as you lift your legs up. Lifting must not allow the legs to swing but trigger contraction in your abdomen. After lifting, you can bring your legs down and do repetitions of 16 if you are a neophyte. If you want a more intense one, you can do 5 sets of 16 with 30-second rest in between sets.

Crunches are effective when you do them appropriately at higher repetitions. Tolerate the contraction as you go along so that you can get the perfect abs you desire.

Abs Workout Routine
| July 26, 2010 | 12:24 pm | ab workout routine | No comments

Abs Workout Routine

Many people think that crunches and sit ups on the floor do now really work but I tell you this is the most effective way in training your abs, this people that says it does not work maybe they did not do it correctly. I will show you abs workout routine and how it is really done. As an alternative, you must exonerate the layer of fat over the abdominal muscles to ever have six pack abs.

Always make sure the lower back stays well supported. Relax for a moment between exercises. Allow enough time for a good stretch/cool-down period when you are done.

Basic Crunch
Lay down on the floor, knees bent, hands resting on your thighs, feet and lower back pressing into the ground. Squeeze the abdominals as you lift your upper body toward your knees. Lower. Your hands will naturally move up and down your leg. Exhale up, inhale down. Repeat 20 times.

Reverse Crunch
Press the hands into the floor at your side. Raise your legs so that they are perpendicular to the ground. Now, lift your buttocks an inch or two off of the floor, keeping shoulders to the floor. Lower slowly, concentrating on the lower ab region. Repeat 15 times.

Lay on your back, knees bent. Use your hands to support the head, thumbs right behind your ears. Keeping your right shoulder on the ground, twist the left side of your body up and over, pointing your left shoulder toward your right knee. Lower. Repeat 15 times each side.

Crunch with Alternate Twist
Same position, knees bent, hands supporting the head. Crunch up; twist your body to the right; twist your body to the left; and crunch forward again. Release, but do not lower your head all the way to the ground. Repeat this series of fluid movements 10 times.

But the most proficient abs workout routine to work your stomach muscles and burn fat is through cardiovascular exercise that also strengthens and tones your abdominal muscles. So before starting any exercise after warming up a little do some cardio vascular exercises like an example for this would be simple circuit training with standing abdominal exercises.