Category: workout for abs
Workout for Abs
| August 15, 2010 | 3:34 pm | workout for abs | No comments

If you want to have a sexier body, now is the best time to start working on effective workout for abs. There are lots of myths about ways you can your stomach muscles working, in addition to what exercises will truly ensure you get the look of six-pack abs. It’s important that you assess all the information available in both online and offline resources when you are planning to execute workouts for abs.

First and foremost, you should concentrate on getting rid of your stubborn belly fat. Note that working on your abdominals alone will not remedy this problem. Begin by developing a diet program that features healthy and fresh foods like green leafy vegetables, fruit, fish, almonds, etc. You should also do some aerobic workouts for about 30-minute increments daily, when possible. Although you can strengthen your abs by performing crunches and lower abs workout routines, but you should know that these steps alone will not allow you to eliminate your flabby belly.

Workouts for abs include a yoga routine that is proficient in firming your stomach muscles and helping you acquire improved overall appearance. In fact, yoga has the capacity to tone many of your muscles, not only your abdominal muscles. You should also consider doing Pilates, which resembles yoga and is known as a fantastic workout practice that can tighten your core muscles. Consuming nutritious meals will also help you in your venture!

Rather than performing the traditional sit ups, it’s best to carry out crunches, since they are more efficient. To attain better range of motion, you should use an exercise ball or a declined bench when doing it. One of the best approaches to successful workouts for abs is to keep motivated at all times during your regimen.

For women, flat abs can be acquired through a “vacuum pose”. You can keep your abs’ femininity by firming and flattening your belly, instead of going for large six-pack abdominal muscles. You just need to suck in your stomach and maintain this position for about 20 seconds. Continue doing this step for at least 5 minutes every day, and in a month you may be one of the many women who have dropped about 3 inches from their waists.

Feminine lines can also be produced with the hula hooping method. This can also firm and sculpt your abs from ALL sides. The good thing is that you can execute this regimen while watching TV, thus you can remain hula hooping for about 10 minutes or longer each day.

To discover the greatest effects, you should add this workout for abs in your everyday activities. They do not take much of your time and effort but the sexy look and healthy appearance you can obtain through these abs’ workouts will be with you all the time.

Workout for Abs that are Effective
| August 15, 2010 | 3:32 pm | workout for abs | No comments

A regular workout routine along with proper nutrition could help you strengthen your muscles, get fit, and stay healthy. But if you are looking to get strong abdominals, the aim should always be to lose unnecessary fat and build abdominal muscles. This requires focus and changing your lifestyle completely so start out small like drinking a couple of glasses of water after you wake up or having breakfast. Make sure that you never skip meals only to binge on food when you get hungry later. Keep your body hydrated and try not to eat or drink before working out. Remember to warm up before doing any exercise.

Here are some of the effective workouts for abs

A. Strengthening lower abdominal muscles:

1. Sit-ups. This is the most basic exercise for abs. Start by lying down on the floor with your feet on the ground, your knees up, and your hands crossed on your chest or your fingers placed behind your ears. Sit up by lifting your lower back and shoulder blades then lie back down. Do this repeatedly for better results.

2. Crunches. This is one of the most popular exercises for the abs. To do this, simply lie down on the floor, place your arms in front of your chest, and bend your knees up. Raise your torso towards the knees by contracting your abdominal muscles. Exhale through your mouth as you begin lifting your back off the floor. Pause for a while then exhale the last of the air as you flex your abdomen. Proper breathing and flexing produce good results for your abdominals. Slowly lower your back down, inhaling through your nose and not letting your head touch the floor. Repeat.

3. Leg Lifts. Start off by lying down on the floor with your legs straight out and your hands at your sides. Lift your legs straight at a 90-degree angle without bending your knees then lower your legs back down without them touching the floor. Do this repeatedly.

B. Losing unnecessary fat:

1. Lift Weights. Your body will burn more calories when it acquires more muscle. Do regular cardiovascular exercises such as swimming, running, dancing, and jumping rope, along with lifting weights so as not to lose your muscle mass and to burn fat much faster.

2. Start the day by having breakfast. You should not skip any meals, especially breakfast. Doing so will only make you get a huge lunch because your body hasn’t had anything for hours. Make time to eat cereal or even granola bars when you wake up for extra energy.

3. Drink plenty of water. This will not only keep your body hydrated but it can help to speed up your metabolism as well.

Workout for Abs Information that are Effective
| August 15, 2010 | 3:30 pm | workout for abs | No comments

Good and effective workout for abs information is important for those who want to gain flat and sexy abs. A lot of people fail in their abs workout because of their lack of understanding on how their body works and how it can be sculpted through exercise. They also do not realize the value of having the proper diet and lifestyle that can complement a regular abs workout. Knowing the do’s and don’ts can help any individual to gain sexy, firm and ripped abs.

One, it should be noted that the abs is a part of the body which easily gets unwanted fat. Thus any credible workout for abs information should indicate that a complete body workout must be done alongside a workout for abs program. There is no way that spot reduction would work for those who want to have killer abs. Spot reduction is that method in which only a certain part of the body- in this case, the abs- is worked out by an individual. The truth is that a person needs to shed off unwanted body fats first before fat in the abs is reduced. Thus, there is the need for a complete body workout to complement a workout for abs program.

A workout for abs information should also stress the value of diet. Most people tend to overlook having a well-balanced diet as they think that they can shed pounds solely through exercising. But the truth is that eating a well balanced diet consisting of protein, carbohydrates, and less fat and calories is critical. Foods like fruits and vegetables are highly recommended. Nuts and seeds in particular have high contents of protein essential in building of muscles while having enough good fats. Preferring natural foods over processed food is also recommended since natural foods provide the necessary vitamins and minerals needed by the body for muscle building.

Workout for abs information must also reveal that the abs should not be treated like other muscle groups such as the arms and legs. Usually, individuals will work out other muscle groups by doing three sets of exercise a, then three sets of exercise B, and so forth. In between the sets are rests needed for the muscles to recuperate. But for the abs, doing exercises this way won’t cut it. Exercising the abs should be done by alternating different exercises focusing on the lower abs, upper abs, and the obliques. Circuit training the abs in the proper order is the key to great abs.

Workout for abs information should also indicate the right routine for a workout for abs program. Most people tend to do as many workouts for abs in one day, but like most other muscle groups, the abs muscles need to have time to rest and recuperate. Rest is critical for any muscle as it allows the muscles to expand and thus have the vigor to take on different exercises. Those who want to have great abs should not force the issue. Instead of doing abs workout every day, it is better to alternate it with other body workout and cardio vascular exercises.

Workout for Abs Do not Cause Stomach Fat Loss
| August 15, 2010 | 3:28 pm | workout for abs | No comments

It seems that everyone is always asking me what the best workout for abs is to get a flatter stomach. One of the biggest misconceptions I deal with daily as fitness professional is that almost everyone has varying degrees of excess body fat in the abdominal region, and is looking for the best way to burn off that extra stomach fat.

The problem is that most people are searching for the wrong exercises and workout types to lose stubborn belly fat. Most people are searching for some miraculous combination of abs exercises combined into the best workout for abs ever invented that will burn off their belly fat faster than you can read this article.

Unfortunately, abs-specific workouts do NOT burn fat off of your belly. They only tone and strengthen the underlying abdominal muscles. What you really need to focus on is a full body strategic workout that will cause a much greater metabolic rate increase and fat-burning hormonal response from your training program as a whole.

In addition, simply doing cardiovascular workouts will not necessarily create the greatest metabolic response or hormonal response either. What you really need is a much more rounded training program that focuses on training the entire body with resistance training and multi-joint exercises in a higher intensity fashion.

This type of high intensity full body training combined with a healthy balanced diet full of nutrient density on a regular basis, is the real key secret to losing the extra stomach fat that covers up the abs. This is a much better plan of attack than just trying to do workout for abs and hoping that just doing a bunch of abs exercises like crunches and leg raises are going to make you lose your belly fat.

The amazing thing is that the majority of the population still believes that in order to get rid of belly fat, you need to do workout for abs every day using hundreds of reps. I see people giving this type of erroneous advice every day on all of the fitness forums. Please do not waste your time with this type of advice!

Now before you say “how can an abs expert not recommend abdominal exercises”, realize that I do strongly believe that a certain amount of abs-specific exercises mixed into your routines are beneficial. Abs exercises will help you strengthen and tone the abdominal muscles and are useful for other purposes such as a healthy back and posture when done correctly. But the fact remains that abs exercises are not necessary for fat loss.

A much smarter full body resistance training routine and a clean healthy balanced diet are the most important factors. Many of the full body exercises also indirectly work the abdominals and core due to the stabilization required in some of the more difficult variations.

Best Workout for Abs
| August 15, 2010 | 3:27 pm | workout for abs | No comments

Workouts for abs come in many routines and each method can be modified to match your abilities and desired goals. Below, we review several of the top picks for the aerobic side of the ‘6-pack abs’ equation. Aerobic workouts for your core and abs focus on reducing body-fat so that the muscle definition of your midsection is easily visible.

An added benefit of some of these cardio choices is that they involve functional movements that involve muscles in every layer of the core. This dynamic stimulation of the abs, core and lower to mid back areas help give you the defined and tightened look.

There are several effective workouts you can do that don’t require you to go to a fitness center.

Jumping rope is an efficient way to burn body fat, improve cardiovascular fitness and tighten your midsection to reveal the definition of your abs. Even when you travel you can fit a rope in your bag – and you can do it indoors or outside.

Total-body rowing is another ‘high stimulus’ aerobic workout that can either be done in the outdoors if you live near water. Or, if it’s your only option, you can also get great results from a high quality rowing machine – such as The Concept 2 Rower.

Cardio Kickboxing is a high intensity, stress relieving way to break a serious, fat-burning sweat and get out all your frustrations (if you have any). With a training partner or a heavy bag, you can kick, punch and pound your way to a fiery metabolism and a tightly toned abdominal area.

Simulated Rock-wall climbing is a demanding, but fun, activity that stimulates cardio-conditioning as well as core strength enhancement. If you have the opportunity to go rock-wall climbing it’s definitely worth a try. There are even indoor climbing gyms that are opening up every month – as this is starting to become a craze of sorts. The only risk as that you may get addicted to it – as it can be pretty fun.

By combining these metabolism boosting, fat burning workouts for abs with tight meals and targeted core exercises, you will get the 6-pack look in time. Aerobic conditioning is a key element when you want to improve your body composition. You must include it to reveal the definition of your muscles and to unleash the midsection you know you are capable of unleashing

Three Ways for a Good Workout for Abs Plan
| August 15, 2010 | 3:24 pm | workout for abs | No comments

How you doing? I sure am doing well. I was just thinking about a good workout for abs plan. I mean, that has got to be the question most women and men ask me at the gym. How do I lose belly fat? Well, to tackle this question well, we need to look at a more comprehensive picture. There are basically 3 major components inclusive of an abs exercise routine;

1. Is obviously a workout for abs plan to burn belly fat: If you want to get the results you see in many pictures and television programs, you have to be willing to put in the work and set up an exercise plan or schedule? I usually call mine a plan of attack.

2. Is a burn stomach diet or a diet plan that ensure you get that ideal six pack abs and shed off that cumbersome belly fat: A lose weight diet is very important because it will not make sense for you to engage in exercise at the gym, or even aerobics, and then go back to eating junk food. There are a variety of weight loss diet plans out there. Before you settle for one however, it is important to consult with a fitness expert for the best abs diet for you.

3. Last but not least is consistency: Many people often ignore this crucial step in their workout for abs and weight loss programs. You see, when you actively engage in a thorough workout for abs and abs diet plan, your body is ‘shocked’ into losing weight and shedding off that belly fat. Since you take this radical step, your body will naturally demand for more food to quench its hunger.

If you make a mistake and feed it on a wrong burn stomach diet or diet plan, you will end up right where you started soon enough, or even worse! So how do you manage all these steps in the workout for abs plan and make sure you get and maintain those six pack abs? You may ask. Have no fear that is what I am here for. Over the next few days, I will be shedding more light on this issue. Keep posted here to get the best workout for abs plan for you.

Workout for Abs

Workout for Abs

Having slim, muscular stomach isn’t a joke as much as it’s not as easy as marketers would like you to think. It takes tough work and loads of it. A lean abdominal section takes a mixture of good nutrition, cardiovascular and abdominal workouts and chase with persistent determination. What you observe on persons who have achieved it is a merge all the three.

The very first thing to do before doing workout for abs is have a good nutrition which is unquestionably necessary to stay in overall fitness. If the greater part of your calories is arriving from packaged and fast foods, then you are only going to be left with an unhealthful body scarce of nutrients. So, the basic standard is, for a leaner, fitter and stronger body, the choice is good food rich in nutrients and reduced in calories and fat. If you have observed your eating habits, you can remember that you could eat more whenever you eat natural and whole food than when eating fast food.

Another important issue on workout for abs is keeping the metabolism ticking throughout the day. Experts say, that instead of counting the calories every time, split and spread the meals to 5-6 small meals which keeps the energy production more consistent and evenly spread out. Actually speaking, exercises are alone enough to keep overweight or obesity at bay or even fend them off. But placing all your loyalty on exercises and neglecting dieting is going to be a long and winding road to weight loss, let alone get a six pack. You are going to need to shed your fat first or your abs muscles to show. The point ultimately boils down to the proven combination of cardiovascular, abs exercises and a good diet plan. But this shouldn’t be taken that workout for abs has useful effect on reducing belly fat or anywhere else in the body. If you plan to show your fully grown abdominal muscles, then you must remove the fat blanket from over the abdomen which would be possible only by combining the most effective fat burning food with your abs exercise.

One thing you must keep in mind is, when ranking various workouts for abs, the traditional crunches aren’t considered for evaluation as they are taken as the benchmark so that other new age abdominal workouts can be measured and compared with them. If there is a third thing to add to the above list, then, it is that you desperately want to get rid of that tee in the privacy of your bedroom and put yourself in front of a mirror with your pot belly for all that you couldn’t do in the gym in front of those who can flex a stomach muscle too!

Upper Abs Workout Routine

Upper Abs Workout Routine

When working the muscles at different speed will ensure that you have strength throughout your whole abs workout routine and helps overload the muscles that is making you work more harder and will produce more strength rapidly.

Basic Crunch

For beginner: Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet shoulder width apart on the floor, hands behind your head. Pull your belly button to your spine and slowly squeeze your abs as your head and shoulders come up off the floor. Lift straight toward the ceiling, chin pointing up. Slowly lower to the floor and repeat. To make It Harder: Rather than placing hands behind your head, extend your arms as if you’re diving into a swimming pool, keeping forearms close to your ears. Focus on relaxing the shoulders to keep tension out of your neck. Also, try varying the speed of your lifting and lowering motion. Helpful Hints: Try not to lower completely to the floor at the bottom of the movement. Try to clear your shoulder blades from the floor; be sure you’re not just lifting your head. Really focus on pulling your belly button down toward your spine.

Frog Legs

Beginner: Lie on your back with the soles of your feet together, letting your knees fall open to the sides. Place your hands behind your head to support your neck. Pull your belly button to your spine and slowly squeeze your abs as your head and shoulders come up off the floor. Lift straight toward the ceiling, chin pointing up. Slowly lower to the floor and repeat. To make It Harder: Extend your arms as if you’re diving, keeping forearms close to your ears. Focus on relaxing the shoulders to keep tension out of your neck. Also, try varying the speed of your lifting and lowering motion.

Helpful Hints: This exercise works the upper part of the rectus abdominals and into the lower segment. Be sure to really pull your belly button in tightly to protect your back and don’t lower all the way to the floor at the bottom.


Beginner: Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet shoulder width apart on the floor, hands behind your head. Pull your belly button to your spine and lift shoulders and head off the floor, just a few inches. You should feel a contraction in the abdominals. Now lift straight toward the ceiling, chin pointing up and slowly return to your starting position – do not go all the way to the floor. To make It Harder: Lie on your back with your knees bent and walk your feet away from your buns until your legs are almost fully extended – be sure to keep a slight bend in the knee. If you feel any pain in your lower back, bring your feet in closer to your buns. This leg position gets the lower abs, too.

The abs workout routine that I have shown you above is the best ever and it is tested and proven effective by lots of individuals.

Best Of Abs Workout Routine

Best of Abs Workout Routine

Best abs workout routine is very easy to begin with but it needs a lot of discipline, because the abs is the toughest part of our body to be trained. It needs to be attended every other day or your workout routine will not be effective.

The truth about abs workout routine talks about the various opinions joined with the truth about abs program, many people all around the world have tried and have reaped some huge benefits from this abs workout routine. If you are still in a confusion of whether it works or not, the best way to find out is to try it and be the best judge. The fact about abs workout focuses on main abs workouts and strength training. This program mostly suits those who have no time to go to a gym and workout or who don’t have any fancy exercise equipment. You just need some weights and an exercise ball to do these exercises in a comfortable fashion. The six pack abs workouts routine are basically designed to give you an excellent workout in your stomach area. Women may not find this interesting at first because it includes strength training, but as it also concentrates on giving you an attractive stomach, buying it is not a bad option.

But there are many ways to achieve a great abs. Like having a proper nutrition because abs workout routine alone will not be effective in eliminating the body of fat once and for all is accomplished by proper nutrition more so than incorporating cardio. At the end of the day, if you have consumed more calories than you have expended, you add body fat. So you need to burn more calories than you consume. Nutrition is important because you can reduce the amount of calories you take in, therefore greatly having an effect on the amount which you have to expend through cardio. Eat five to six small, well-balanced meals spaced apart about every three to four hours. Try to keep something healthy on hand.

Having a strong abs not only help strengthen your lower back, but also improve upon your posture. Lower back injuries occur, believe it or not, due to weak abs. Regardless of abs workout routine you do, the key is to add weight/resistance. If not, you will never increase the amount of lean muscle tissue in the area. You only need to train your abs twice a week for maximum results. Once again, treat them like any other muscle group which means you wouldn’t train them more often.

Abs Workout Routine

Abs Workout Routine

Everybody wants to have those astonishing and well defined 6 pack abs. Several people excerpt a lot of effort to improve their abs but did not succeeded and just quit the abs workout routine. All the hard work for nothing.  Abs is the toughest part of our body to develop. Results don’t come fast but when it comes you will be glad that you have chosen the right routine. Some people having a great abs are an obsession. These are the individuals who want to take off their shirts or always talked about. Don’t be envy those who have great abs, soon you will have an abs like they have. But In order to achieve the desired abs you should have a good abs workout routine exercise.

And also the secret on having a great abs and in maintaining it is to have the best abs routine work out. You don’t need to pay and spend money to achieve all this, just find the right abs work out and information and do it yourself at home this way you won’t be embarrass just have fun doing it. So start now and find the right abs routine work out that you enjoy and excerpt effort do it religiously I will tell you, you’ll get the results that will satisfy you throughout your life.

Now the Best abs workout routine that I am going to show you is really the best and effective way in making your abs the way you want it to be. First is cardio vascular workout this is important because abdominal training by itself will not do much. Cardio needs to be intense enough to do the trick. Three to four sessions a week of intense jogging, running, the Stairmaster, the elliptical, jumping rope, or biking should be enough to get the process in gear. Swimming, hiking, and taking aerobics classes are beneficial as well. Nothing beats jogging or running. It is the most intense, efficient, and effective method of burning calories. If running outdoors will hurt your joints try running indoors on a treadmill or outside on a dirt path. It is definitely easier on the body. You need three to four intense cardio sessions a week to help create a calorie deficit and help rid the body of the fat that covers your abs.

For those having great abs I salute you, because having a great abs is tough but in maintaining it is much tougher. Take it from me I have been working out almost half my life maintaining a good abs or any part of our body has much bigger obligation and more effort to be excerpt than getting it.