Category: lower abs workout
The Best of Lower Abs Workout
| August 8, 2010 | 4:37 am | lower abs workout | No comments

All of us know how difficult it can be to tighten up your belly workouts, workout and more workouts! The reality is that in order to get rid of the abdomen fat and get a six pack you will need to adjust your diet, catch the right amount of sleep, and try to discover how to reduce the stress in your life and relax. Furthermore it is very significant when you are improving your posture and drinking lots of water.

Lower abs workouts will only remain efficient whilst you make it a point to carry out these things as well as lower belly workouts.

It is very important to be sure to acquire sufficient fiber in your diet in order to get six pack abs will intensify the digestive process helping to force the waste through the intestine, leading to a flatter tummy.

One of the most valuable lower abs workouts is the oblique abdominal muscle; drawing your abdomen in for more or less ten seconds is the technique to activate it. Execute this workout at least ten times per day.

A different useful lower abs workout to help flatten your abdomen is called the bicycle maneuver. While you are lying level on the ground with your hands behind your head and your legs elevated, start to perform a pedaling movement with your legs and bring your right elbow to your right knee and next your left elbow to your left knee. Carry out at least ten twists to both sides each day.

The most general lower abs workout known is the classic crunch. While lying on the ground with bent knees and both feet tightly on the ground with your hands across your upper body crunch your abs together and make sure your shoulders come up off the ground a few inches. Do at least twenty of these crunches on a daily basis.

It is also important to include cardio movement into your every day lower abs workout routine. A lot of people decide on walking since all you need are good, supportive walking shoes. You might as well go running, swimming otherwise even cycling. It is true that you will not obtain a six pack whilst there is a layer of fat covering your muscles. Doing these cardio exercises will burn a lot of calories and this will result in you losing the fat from your abdomen so that you will see your muscles.

So, are you keen to obtain that six pack and to set your physical condition and exercise objectives? I trust this information helps you in your quest to get rid of the surplus fat and expose flat, firm abs. You will be looking terrific in no time at all. In the beginning don’t drive yourself too hard; complete things naturally and slowly and give your body the time it needs to adjust to the changes.

Lower Abs Workout for You
| August 8, 2010 | 4:33 am | lower abs workout | No comments

There are many people who in the pursuit of getting flat ripped abs go about their lower abs workout incorrectly, doing more harm than good. You don’t have to go at it alone though, keep reading and we’ll provide you with some helpful tips to make your abs workouts work for you!

In your pursuit for quality abs you need to make sure you’re doing quality an exercise… the quantity doesn’t matter nearly as much. Your muscles will respond in ways you wouldn’t believe if you target specific muscle groups and make each muscle work. It will be easy to tell if you’re doing a lower abs workout correctly, because you’re going to feel it. Pay close attention to what your body is telling you because over doing it can cause harm to yourself rather than benefiting you.

Alright, let’s get to know the muscle you’ll be trying to target, the Transverse Abdominals. It runs horizontally under the Rectums Abdominals and is the muscle responsible for pulling your belly button in towards your spine. To target this muscle specifically you really need to try the following lower abs exercise. To begin:

Put your palms flat on the floor in front of you while kneeling down. While using your lower abs, focus on bringing in your belly button as much as possible. When you’re just beginning you may notice you have muscles you didn’t realize were there before. Start by holding the position for 10 seconds then relaxes. Each time you do this exercise it will become easier little by little. To make this exercise more difficult just hold it for a longer amount of time, no more than 2 minutes though.For those of us who are just getting started and are new to all this, you can try the same technique while laying flat on the ground to make it a little easier. This position allows for more sensitivity in your abs muscles, this way you’ll have a better idea if you’re doing it right or not.

Another workout you can try has you lying on your back as part of the lower abs workout. To target your lower abs in this workout you’ll need to focus on keeping your abs tight the entire time. You’ll be able to tell when your muscles start to wear out as you stop feeling the tightness in your abs. If you feel pain, stop the exercise. For beginners, this exercise focuses one leg at a time, so keep one leg flat on the ground with the other lifted in a bent position, keep your thigh perpendicular to the floor while you’re at it, then while using your lower abs muscles lower your bent leg to the ground until your foot is lying flat.

Once you’re done working out with one leg switch sides. You will need to push yourself, just like you would with any exercise over time. To make it harder, you can straighten your leg instead of having it bent, you’ll notice the demand this small change will make on your lower abs. For more of a challenge try lifting both legs at the same time.Be sure to focus on the quality of your lower abs workout, 10 hard contractions will do more than 50 sit-ups done incorrectly. For your workouts don’t do more than 2 to 3 sets of 10 to 15 contractions with each exercise.

Best Lower Abs Workout Exercises
| August 8, 2010 | 4:29 am | lower abs workout | No comments

Trying to work on your lower abs can be difficult and frustrating.  Especially when you’re not sure which exercises to do.  So, what I’m going to do is share with you the best lower abs workout.  That way, you’ll be able to have a great set of abs.

The best lower abs workout is:

1.  Leg rises.  This exercise can be done with you lying on the ground.  You’ll start off by letting your legs lay flat on the ground and then lift them straight up.  This will work your lower abs, which will really help you get a great stomach.

You should do 4 sets of 15 reps.

2.  Full crunches.  These can be done with a machine at your local gym or with you lying on the ground.  Full crunches consist of doing reverse crunches and regular crunches simultaneously at the same time.  It’s not as hard as it sounds.  You’ll do a regular crunch while at the same time, lifting your butt off the ground.

You should feel your abs tightened from this movement.  You should do 3 sets of 20 reps with this exercise.

3.  Hanging knee rises.  This is another exercise that’s part of the best lower abs workout.  Hanging knee raises can be done by hanging on a pull up bar at the gym.  While you’re hanging, you should lift your knees straight up.  You can do 2 sets of 20 reps.

4.  Reverse crunches.  Another exercise in the best lower abs workout is reverse crunches.  As stated above, all you have to do is lie on the ground in the same position as you would do a regular crunch, and lift your butt off the ground.  Do 3 sets of 10 reps.

This is a lower abs workout that will help you hit the lower part of your abdomen muscles.  If you are serious about getting your stomach in shape and looking good, be sure to use the tips above.  It’ll help you get the best looking mid section.

An Easy Way for Lower Abs Workout
| August 8, 2010 | 4:27 am | lower abs workout | No comments

When you are at the beach, swimming pool or whenever you are working your tan, do you feel like everyone seems to be looking at your unsightly, flabby abdomen? Where a trim and fit tummy used to be, now rests a very chunky and a very blobby midsection.

Maybe it’s time to start getting in shape and start having that trimmed six pack abs that you had before. So you try all the workouts you can find online – lower abs workout, upper abs, and side abs crunching. Although a lower abs workout might do your lower abs some strengthening they need, these area specific exercises are not really the answer to get that flat and tight stomach you want. So chuck that lower abs workout routine and say hello to a program that will change your midsection’s appearance dramatically.

Certified food nutritionist and certified personal trainer Mike Geary created a program that will target specifically that unwanted and stubborn stomach fat that you want to get rid of. The secret of the program lies on the years of experience that Mike has placed into this program to perfect it in making you have a shapelier body. This will definitely trump any lower abs workout routine that you and find online.

His program is called The Truth about Six Pack Abs. It is uniquely designed to give you that six pack abs that you want in the most efficient way as possible. It will gear you towards the right path in having a toned abdomen while it strips away some of the wrong notions that you might have in losing weight and abs sculpting.

The program join forces two known ways of losing stomach fat. First it will give you a set of total body workouts and specific exercises that will make your lose fat not only in your midsection but also all over your body. The exercises are all very easy to follow and the e-book will be giving you step by step instructions to perform them as well as illustrations to further guide you. No special equipment is necessary. All you need is a set of adjustable dumbbells and a stability ball and you will be on your way to a flatter tummy without having to leave the comforts of your own house.

Second, it will teach you the proper ways of having a balanced diet. This is no fad diet that will make you lose weight dramatically in a matter of days. In fact, losing too much weight too fast is not a healthy deal at all. This program will give you apt knowledge on nutrition and balanced meals so you get to eat healthy and at the same time feel satisfied. It will also give you the ugly truth about those diet supplements and slimming shakes that corporations use to get richer and richer by the second.

If you really are serious about losing that fat on your belly, then do not tie yourself down with some boring lower abs workout routines that will manly strengthen your lower abdominal muscles at best.

6 Secrets for a Great Lower Abs Workout
| August 8, 2010 | 4:25 am | lower abs workout | No comments

Engaging in a lower abs workout is a great way to strengthen and tone your abdominal muscles. There are many simple exercises that can be incorporated into lower abs workouts, many of which do not even require gym equipment. When performing any type of workout it is important to use caution to ensure that you do not pull or strain any muscles and that you do not perform too many repetitions at one time. Doing so can harm your body so be sure to take the proper precautions before and during all of your exercise sessions. Each type of workout comes along with its own set of guidelines and the following list provides some great tips to keep in mind when performing lower abs workouts.

1. You Should Feel Your Abs

Working when performing lower abs workouts, you should be able to feel your abdominal muscles working more than any other set of muscles. If you do not feel your abs working, you should stop and rest because this may be a sign that your abdominal muscles have become fatigued.

2. You Should Never Feel Pain

While you should feel the crunch in your abdominal muscles as you perform lower abs workouts, you should not feel pain in your lower back. If you feel pain it may mean that your abs are not strong enough to perform the exercise or that you are not doing it correctly. If you begin to feel pain, stop the exercise and determine which the case is.

3. Perform Exercises Slowly

As with any type of workout, it is important to perform lower abs exercises slowly and in a controlled manner so that you do not harm yourself. By moving too quickly you may increase your momentum and decrease your muscular control, thus resulting in jerky movements which could result in a pulled or strained muscle.

4. Strive for Quality over Quantity

The key to successful a lower abs workout does not lie in how many repetitions you can perform, but in the quality of those repetitions. You must strive to be sure that you are putting the correct muscles to work while preventing unwanted muscles from helping you to cheat, thus decreasing the effectiveness of the exercises.

5. Endurance is More Important than Strength

Abdominal muscles are designed to remain active for long periods of time at low intensities, so you should train them in the same way. Strive for endurance, working on being able to perform more quality repetitions, than focusing on more difficult exercises.

6. Do Not Forget to Breath

As you perform any type of exercise it is important that you remember to breathe. During some exercises which involve contracting your abs you may be tempted to hold your breath but you should try to take deeper breaths as you perform each exercise. Try to inhale as your muscles are stretching and exhale as they are tightening.

3 Most Effective Lower Abs Workout
| August 8, 2010 | 4:19 am | lower abs workout | No comments

There are many different reasons that people begin using lower abs workouts. Some people simple incorporate them into a comprehensive workout plan while others simply target their abs in the hopes of achieving a flat stomach. Before you start practicing this type of workout, no matter what reasons you may have, there are a few things you should know. If your goal is to lose fat in your abdominal area, know that lower abs workouts alone cannot achieve this goal. In order to lose fat around your belly you need to start a diet and exercise plan that will result in fat loss all over your body  abs workouts simple help you to strengthen your abs muscles and, once you get rid of any belly fat, you will have a fantastically flat stomach. There are three easy exercises that should be included in any lower abs workout: leg walks, reverse crunches, and leg lifts.

1. Leg Walks

Begin this exercise by laying flat on your back with your hands placed under your buttocks. Then, lift your legs until they are vertical while contracting your abs so that your midsection becomes tense. Lower one leg until your foot is just a few inches off the ground, hold it there for one second, and then return it to the vertical position. Repeat these steps with your other leg and continue alternating legs for as many repetitions as you feel capable of doing.

2. Reverse Crunches

To perform reverse crunches, start out in the same position as the previous exercise, flat on your back with your hands positioned under your buttocks. Next, lift your legs until they are vertical then bend your knees at a 90 degree angle while contracting your abs to tense your midsection. Keep your knees bent as you slowly lower them until your feet are a few inches off the ground. Finally, bring your knees up to your chest, squeezing your abs in the process.

3. Leg Lifts

For this exercise you must also lay on your back with your hands placed firmly under your buttocks then lift your legs to the vertical position. Next, contract your midsection using your upper abs and then lower both legs at once until the backs of your feet are just above the ground. Hold this position for a few seconds, return your legs to the vertical position, and then repeat.

By utilizing these three exercises, your lower abs workout can be successful in helping you to lose belly fat and strengthen your abdominal muscles. As is true of any exercise regimen, be sure to stay hydrated and consult your doctor before making any radical changes in your diet or beginning any intense exercise plans.

Workout for Abs

Workout for Abs

Having slim, muscular stomach isn’t a joke as much as it’s not as easy as marketers would like you to think. It takes tough work and loads of it. A lean abdominal section takes a mixture of good nutrition, cardiovascular and abdominal workouts and chase with persistent determination. What you observe on persons who have achieved it is a merge all the three.

The very first thing to do before doing workout for abs is have a good nutrition which is unquestionably necessary to stay in overall fitness. If the greater part of your calories is arriving from packaged and fast foods, then you are only going to be left with an unhealthful body scarce of nutrients. So, the basic standard is, for a leaner, fitter and stronger body, the choice is good food rich in nutrients and reduced in calories and fat. If you have observed your eating habits, you can remember that you could eat more whenever you eat natural and whole food than when eating fast food.

Another important issue on workout for abs is keeping the metabolism ticking throughout the day. Experts say, that instead of counting the calories every time, split and spread the meals to 5-6 small meals which keeps the energy production more consistent and evenly spread out. Actually speaking, exercises are alone enough to keep overweight or obesity at bay or even fend them off. But placing all your loyalty on exercises and neglecting dieting is going to be a long and winding road to weight loss, let alone get a six pack. You are going to need to shed your fat first or your abs muscles to show. The point ultimately boils down to the proven combination of cardiovascular, abs exercises and a good diet plan. But this shouldn’t be taken that workout for abs has useful effect on reducing belly fat or anywhere else in the body. If you plan to show your fully grown abdominal muscles, then you must remove the fat blanket from over the abdomen which would be possible only by combining the most effective fat burning food with your abs exercise.

One thing you must keep in mind is, when ranking various workouts for abs, the traditional crunches aren’t considered for evaluation as they are taken as the benchmark so that other new age abdominal workouts can be measured and compared with them. If there is a third thing to add to the above list, then, it is that you desperately want to get rid of that tee in the privacy of your bedroom and put yourself in front of a mirror with your pot belly for all that you couldn’t do in the gym in front of those who can flex a stomach muscle too!

Upper Abs Workout Routine

Upper Abs Workout Routine

When working the muscles at different speed will ensure that you have strength throughout your whole abs workout routine and helps overload the muscles that is making you work more harder and will produce more strength rapidly.

Basic Crunch

For beginner: Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet shoulder width apart on the floor, hands behind your head. Pull your belly button to your spine and slowly squeeze your abs as your head and shoulders come up off the floor. Lift straight toward the ceiling, chin pointing up. Slowly lower to the floor and repeat. To make It Harder: Rather than placing hands behind your head, extend your arms as if you’re diving into a swimming pool, keeping forearms close to your ears. Focus on relaxing the shoulders to keep tension out of your neck. Also, try varying the speed of your lifting and lowering motion. Helpful Hints: Try not to lower completely to the floor at the bottom of the movement. Try to clear your shoulder blades from the floor; be sure you’re not just lifting your head. Really focus on pulling your belly button down toward your spine.

Frog Legs

Beginner: Lie on your back with the soles of your feet together, letting your knees fall open to the sides. Place your hands behind your head to support your neck. Pull your belly button to your spine and slowly squeeze your abs as your head and shoulders come up off the floor. Lift straight toward the ceiling, chin pointing up. Slowly lower to the floor and repeat. To make It Harder: Extend your arms as if you’re diving, keeping forearms close to your ears. Focus on relaxing the shoulders to keep tension out of your neck. Also, try varying the speed of your lifting and lowering motion.

Helpful Hints: This exercise works the upper part of the rectus abdominals and into the lower segment. Be sure to really pull your belly button in tightly to protect your back and don’t lower all the way to the floor at the bottom.


Beginner: Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet shoulder width apart on the floor, hands behind your head. Pull your belly button to your spine and lift shoulders and head off the floor, just a few inches. You should feel a contraction in the abdominals. Now lift straight toward the ceiling, chin pointing up and slowly return to your starting position – do not go all the way to the floor. To make It Harder: Lie on your back with your knees bent and walk your feet away from your buns until your legs are almost fully extended – be sure to keep a slight bend in the knee. If you feel any pain in your lower back, bring your feet in closer to your buns. This leg position gets the lower abs, too.

The abs workout routine that I have shown you above is the best ever and it is tested and proven effective by lots of individuals.

Best Of Abs Workout Routine

Best of Abs Workout Routine

Best abs workout routine is very easy to begin with but it needs a lot of discipline, because the abs is the toughest part of our body to be trained. It needs to be attended every other day or your workout routine will not be effective.

The truth about abs workout routine talks about the various opinions joined with the truth about abs program, many people all around the world have tried and have reaped some huge benefits from this abs workout routine. If you are still in a confusion of whether it works or not, the best way to find out is to try it and be the best judge. The fact about abs workout focuses on main abs workouts and strength training. This program mostly suits those who have no time to go to a gym and workout or who don’t have any fancy exercise equipment. You just need some weights and an exercise ball to do these exercises in a comfortable fashion. The six pack abs workouts routine are basically designed to give you an excellent workout in your stomach area. Women may not find this interesting at first because it includes strength training, but as it also concentrates on giving you an attractive stomach, buying it is not a bad option.

But there are many ways to achieve a great abs. Like having a proper nutrition because abs workout routine alone will not be effective in eliminating the body of fat once and for all is accomplished by proper nutrition more so than incorporating cardio. At the end of the day, if you have consumed more calories than you have expended, you add body fat. So you need to burn more calories than you consume. Nutrition is important because you can reduce the amount of calories you take in, therefore greatly having an effect on the amount which you have to expend through cardio. Eat five to six small, well-balanced meals spaced apart about every three to four hours. Try to keep something healthy on hand.

Having a strong abs not only help strengthen your lower back, but also improve upon your posture. Lower back injuries occur, believe it or not, due to weak abs. Regardless of abs workout routine you do, the key is to add weight/resistance. If not, you will never increase the amount of lean muscle tissue in the area. You only need to train your abs twice a week for maximum results. Once again, treat them like any other muscle group which means you wouldn’t train them more often.

Abs Workout Routine

Abs Workout Routine

Everybody wants to have those astonishing and well defined 6 pack abs. Several people excerpt a lot of effort to improve their abs but did not succeeded and just quit the abs workout routine. All the hard work for nothing.  Abs is the toughest part of our body to develop. Results don’t come fast but when it comes you will be glad that you have chosen the right routine. Some people having a great abs are an obsession. These are the individuals who want to take off their shirts or always talked about. Don’t be envy those who have great abs, soon you will have an abs like they have. But In order to achieve the desired abs you should have a good abs workout routine exercise.

And also the secret on having a great abs and in maintaining it is to have the best abs routine work out. You don’t need to pay and spend money to achieve all this, just find the right abs work out and information and do it yourself at home this way you won’t be embarrass just have fun doing it. So start now and find the right abs routine work out that you enjoy and excerpt effort do it religiously I will tell you, you’ll get the results that will satisfy you throughout your life.

Now the Best abs workout routine that I am going to show you is really the best and effective way in making your abs the way you want it to be. First is cardio vascular workout this is important because abdominal training by itself will not do much. Cardio needs to be intense enough to do the trick. Three to four sessions a week of intense jogging, running, the Stairmaster, the elliptical, jumping rope, or biking should be enough to get the process in gear. Swimming, hiking, and taking aerobics classes are beneficial as well. Nothing beats jogging or running. It is the most intense, efficient, and effective method of burning calories. If running outdoors will hurt your joints try running indoors on a treadmill or outside on a dirt path. It is definitely easier on the body. You need three to four intense cardio sessions a week to help create a calorie deficit and help rid the body of the fat that covers your abs.

For those having great abs I salute you, because having a great abs is tough but in maintaining it is much tougher. Take it from me I have been working out almost half my life maintaining a good abs or any part of our body has much bigger obligation and more effort to be excerpt than getting it.